
How is it to Live in a Kommunalka?

“So, this one is yours”, my new landlady says and points at the wall. It had several different toilet seats…

5 Best Outside Eateries in St. Petersburg

It’s finally summer! Well, at least in theory. Saint Petersburg usually seems to be widely unimpressed by this meteorological fact,…

Khokloma – Don’t Go Home Without It

Second in souvenirs only after the matryoshka, Khokloma is one of the most iconic souvenirs travelers have been bringing back…

How to Beat the Heat in St. Pete

We are currently experiencing a heatwave in Saint Petersburg right now and Russia DOES NOT DO HEAT! When the temperatures…

Our last World Cup game: England v Belgium

As you know, we’re always working hard to write the best articles we can for you. On this occasion, that…