How to Improve Your Russian as an Expat

Improve your Russian while working as an expat? Mission possible!

Most expats working in Russia have a few things in common on the Russian language front:

  • Speaking: we speak Russian well enough to get our message across.
  • Continuity: we took lessons, tried hard, stopped, started again, stopped again.
  • Shaky foundations: we can hardly write and our knowledge of grammar is patchy.
  • Cheating: we speak in a manner that you cannot hear word endings, just to be on the safe side.

Sounds familiar? Improving your Russian as an expat is a bit like working out in the gym. We know we need to do it more often, but one day lasts only 24 hours.

I make a living promoting Russian both to international students and expatriates, and I thought it was only fair to share my very personal experience improving my Russian. This is in no way a blueprint for fast-track language proficiency. What worked for me might not work for you. If you had Russian at university, you are playing in a different league than your fellow expat who arrived here with almost zero knowledge. What follows are tips and ideas for expatriates which worked well for me and helped to improve my Russian:

1. Your office is your classroom

Ask your Russian staff members and friends to speak only Russian to you. Encourage them to correct your errors and your pronunciation.

2. Empower yourself

Write at least one mail/whatsapp message (to your friend, co-worker, boss) per day in Russian. Use the built-in spelling check.

3. Keep your eyes open

Read out billboard ads, street signs, metro station names. Anything Cyrillic which catches your eye. If you don’t know the word, instant-translate with your smartphone.

4. Read the news

Use Russian news apps for a change. Kommersant, RBK, Fontanka and others deliver news automatically to your mobile phone.

5. Use online dictionaries

Use dictionary apps to look up words and flashcard apps to save them. Translate by Google also gives you explanations and synonyms, which is extremely useful.

6. Get a teacher

There are great language learning apps and websites, but you want to talk to a real person who understands your specific needs. There is no need for a hyper-intensive crash course if you are going to stay in the country for a longer period. One or two sessions per week are absolutely fine, preferably early morning before you go to work.

Unsure about freelance teacher versus language school?

Have you been an expat in Russia and managed to improve your Russian skills? Please share your views and experiences!

Read also: The Interesting Russian Idioms