The Funniest Russian Tongue-Twisters – Скороговорки!

Here’s a collection of the most known Russian tongue-twisters, through which you can practice your pronunciation or just have fun at your friends’ attempts!

– Краб забрался на трап, и заснул крепко краб. А кальмар не дремал, краба в лапы поймал.     

The crab was hurrying on the ladder, but he firmly fell asleep. But the squid did not sleep, and thus clutched the crab with his tentacles.

or a fish, even better

– Варит буква К картошку для козленка и для кошки. Кошки не едят картошку, дайте кашки ей немножко.

The letter K cooked some potatoes for the goatling and the cat. Cats do not eat potatoes, give them please a bit of porridge.

– Во лесу лозу вяжу, на возу лозу везу. Коза, лозу не лижи – Накажу!

In the woods I knitted a vine, a vine I brought on the cart. Goat, do not lick the vine – I’ll punish you!

– Карл у Клары украл кораллы, а Клара у Карла украла кларнет.
Королева Клара кавалера Карла строго карала за кражу кораллов.

Karl stole from Klara some corals, and Klara stole from Karla a clarinet.
Queen Klara harshly punished knight Karl for the theft of the corals.

– Кукушка кукушонку купила капюшон! Надел кукушонок капюшон, как в капюшоне он смешон!

The cuckoo bought his child a hood. The little cuckoo wore the hood, and how funny he looks in it!

Ехал Грека через реку. Видит Грека в реке рак. Сунул в реку руку Грека. Рак за руку Грека — цап.

A Greek was crossing a river. The Greek saw a crab in the river. The Greek thrust a hand in the river. The crab snapped the Greek’s hand.

– Шла Саша по шоссе, несла сушку на шесте. И сосала сушку.

Sasha was walking on the road, she brought a pretzel on the pole. And she nibbled the pretzel.

– Вдвоём всё поймём и пойдём на подъём.

Together, we will understand everything and we will rise.

– Везёт Сеня Саню с Соней в санках. Санки скок! Сеню – с ног, Саню – в бок, Соню – в лоб. Все в сугроб – хлоп!

Senja brought Sanja and Sonja on the sledge. The sledge leaped! Senja – with his legs, Sanja – with her side, Sonja – with her forehead. Everyone in the snow bank: bang!

– Тощий немощный Кощей тащит ящик овощей.

Skinny, weak Koščej drags a box of vegetables. 

What’s your favorite Russian tongue-twister? Let us know in the comments section below!

Read also: 5 Russian Idioms and the Stories Behind Them